Time of the Hunting Hounds

Time of the Hunting Hounds is a Transcendent Descendant module in The First Descendant. Here’s everything you need to know about its effects and how to get it.


Time of the Hunting Hounds


Module Details :

Rarity : Transcendent

Class : Descendant

Character : Ines

Time of the Hunting Hounds Skill Effect per Level

LevelEffectCapacityMastery LevelKuiper ShardGold
0Changes to a skill that quickly Dashes toward enemies. Deals damage and inflicts Conductor on all enemies in the path. Reduces the number of bounces of Chain Lightning and modifies it to be stackable. Modifies the Arche type of the modified skills to Tech.15
1Changes to a skill that quickly Dashes toward enemies. Deals damage and inflicts Conductor on all enemies in the path. Reduces the number of bounces of Chain Lightning and modifies it to be stackable. Modifies the Arche type of the modified skills to Tech.14
2Changes to a skill that quickly Dashes toward enemies. Deals damage and inflicts Conductor on all enemies in the path. Reduces the number of bounces of Chain Lightning and modifies it to be stackable. Modifies the Arche type of the modified skills to Tech.13
3Changes to a skill that quickly Dashes toward enemies. Deals damage and inflicts Conductor on all enemies in the path. Reduces the number of bounces of Chain Lightning and modifies it to be stackable. Modifies the Arche type of the modified skills to Tech.12
4Changes to a skill that quickly Dashes toward enemies. Deals damage and inflicts Conductor on all enemies in the path. Reduces the number of bounces of Chain Lightning and modifies it to be stackable. Modifies the Arche type of the modified skills to Tech.11
5Changes to a skill that quickly Dashes toward enemies. Deals damage and inflicts Conductor on all enemies in the path. Reduces the number of bounces of Chain Lightning and modifies it to be stackable. Modifies the Arche type of the modified skills to Tech.10
6Changes to a skill that quickly Dashes toward enemies. Deals damage and inflicts Conductor on all enemies in the path. Reduces the number of bounces of Chain Lightning and modifies it to be stackable. Modifies the Arche type of the modified skills to Tech.9
7Changes to a skill that quickly Dashes toward enemies. Deals damage and inflicts Conductor on all enemies in the path. Reduces the number of bounces of Chain Lightning and modifies it to be stackable. Modifies the Arche type of the modified skills to Tech.8
8Changes to a skill that quickly Dashes toward enemies. Deals damage and inflicts Conductor on all enemies in the path. Reduces the number of bounces of Chain Lightning and modifies it to be stackable. Modifies the Arche type of the modified skills to Tech.7
9Changes to a skill that quickly Dashes toward enemies. Deals damage and inflicts Conductor on all enemies in the path. Reduces the number of bounces of Chain Lightning and modifies it to be stackable. Modifies the Arche type of the modified skills to Tech.6
10Changes to a skill that quickly Dashes toward enemies. Deals damage and inflicts Conductor on all enemies in the path. Reduces the number of bounces of Chain Lightning and modifies it to be stackable. Modifies the Arche type of the modified skills to Tech.5

Time of the Hunting Hounds Decompose Data

LevelKuiper Shard

How to Get Time of the Hunting Hounds

You can get Time of the Hunting Hounds by completing the following missions each with its own drop chance.

Calling of the Descendant

The Haven

Duty of the Descendant

Map : Hagios - The Corrupted Zone

Difficulty : Hard

Estimated Playtime : 20 Minutes or less

Monster Lv. 100

Time of the Hunting Hounds Drop Rate : 2.5%

Calling of the Descendant

The Haven

Duty of the Descendant

Map : -

Difficulty : Hard

Estimated Playtime : 20 Minutes or less

Monster Lv. 100

Time of the Hunting Hounds Drop Rate : 2.5%